Friday, May 3, 2013


In 1988, when my English professor was an undergraduate at NMSU, there was a centennial celebration during which certain students were given these gold minted coins for outstanding achievements in various areas. Today was our last class and he announced that he might not be returning to NMSU. He explained these coins and said that he had received four. He gave one to me at the end of class. I am so honored that he thinks so highly of me as he was one of my favorite professors.  

Centennial Coin

Unfortunately, many students in my class didn't like him because he was intense, easily angered, and called people out.  I preferred his teaching techniques because he didn't take nonsense and got straight to the point.  I also thought he was hilarious and I don't think that everyone else understood his sense of humor.  I was disappointed when he told me that he might not be returning to NMSU as I had been planning on taking more of his classes and recommending him to my friends, but hopefully I will be able to meet him in the future.  He wrote me an email after class, ending it with this:
"The world should expect much of you, Liliana Covington. I do."

For a while, I have felt like I am not doing enough, not being enough, not saying enough.  Those words were precisely what I needed to read.